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Anti-discrimination policy in recruitment and selection

The operations of Eming Uitzenden are aimed at providing job seekers with a fair chance of employment, regardless of their age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, lifestyle, political or religious beliefs, race, ethnic origin, or nationality. During recruitment and selection, job seekers are treated equally and are assessed solely based on criteria related to the job.


The objective of this policy is to be clear and transparent to employees and third parties about:

  1. What Eming Uitzenden understands by discrimination/discriminatory requests;
  2. The stance of Eming Uitzenden on discrimination/discriminatory requests;
  3. Actions by employees:

    A. What is expected from employees regarding their conduct during their duties, especially during activities (supporting business operations) related to recruitment and selection; B. Where employees can go for consultation and/or to make a report;

  4. Responsibilities of the employer.

1. Definition of Discrimination Discrimination is defined as making direct and indirect distinctions between individuals based on age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, lifestyle, political or religious beliefs, race, ethnic origin, or nationality. Discrimination explicitly includes complying with requests from clients to make distinctions between individuals during recruitment and selection based on criteria that are not necessary or relevant for the proper fulfillment of the position.

2. Stance of Eming Uitzenden A. Eming Uitzenden rejects all forms of discrimination.

B. Requests from clients to consider certain criteria during recruitment and selection are honored only if there is an objective justification. Objective justification exists if selection based on the requested criteria:

  • Serves a legitimate purpose. This means there is a good, job-related reason to select based on the criteria during recruitment and selection (an example of a legitimate purpose is safety);
  • Results in achieving the legitimate purpose, and the means are suitable to achieve the goal;
  • Is proportional to the goal, meaning there is a reasonable relationship to the goal;
  • Is necessary because there is no other, less discriminatory way to achieve the goal, fulfilling the necessity criterion.

C. Eming Uitzenden does not tolerate employees being treated discriminatorily by third parties. Employees, in this context, also include workers performing tasks under the supervision and direction of a client.

3. Actions by Employees A. Employees have a personal responsibility to be alert to discriminatory requests from clients, recognize such requests, and ensure that they do not comply with them.

B. If an employee doubts whether there is objective justification for a client’s request to consider certain criteria during recruitment and selection, or has questions about how to handle a request, they can consult with our Eming Uitzenden HR Manager.

C. If an employee observes discrimination and wants to address it, report misconduct or inappropriate behavior, and/or has a confidentiality issue, they can consult with our Eming Uitzenden HR Manager. If this does not lead to a satisfactory result for the employee, they can contact the management.

4. Responsibilities of the Employer Eming Uitzenden is responsible for:

A. Creating a safe work environment where individuals are treated with respect, there is room for constructive consultation, and undesirable behavior in any form is prevented and addressed;

B. The awareness and implementation of this anti-discrimination policy. This includes ensuring that employees:

  • Are informed about and familiar with the policy. This is achieved through a clear statement on our website, the internal guidance process for new employees, and feedback sessions with employees.
  • Have received good instructions on how to recognize discrimination and discriminatory requests. This is achieved through internal feedback sessions.
  • Are prepared for situations where they are confronted with a discriminatory request and know how to discuss and address it with clients. This is achieved through the internal guidance process for new employees and internal feedback sessions.
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